About us

Epistemics AB was founded in 2020 as a technical consulting company with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research.

The founder, Carl Gustaf Jansson, has a long track record as Professor of Artificial Intelligence at KTH since the 1980s. The founder has apart from core academic achievements, extensive experience of international collaboration and engagement in innovation and entrepreneurship programs.

Among recent consulting commitment can be mentioned the role as Head of AI Strategy at Attabotics Inc., Canada.

Epistemics AB takes on tasks regarding Technical Consulting and Commissioned education for engineers. The engineering focus is the application of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research techniques in a variety of sectors in industry  and society.

These application areas can be manufacturing, logistics, transport, finance, construction, agriculture and healthcare.

Epistemics AB can accept commissions of various kinds: strategic advice, evaluations of projects, detailed pre-studies and commissioned education.